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Notes: Instructor information will be available to the general public online (please do not provide information you are not willing to have publicly displayed). Instructor information remains as-is until updated (you may want to have office hour information updated every term). Instructor information will be applied to all classes an instructor teaches (that is, it will not and cannot vary per class). If more than one instructor belongs on the class, please fill out numbers 1-6 below for each. Names of class instructor(s): Telephone: Instructor Campus Address: Instructor Office Hours: URL: Instructor Biography: tructor information Class Description Instructor information The class description will automatically display instructor telephone, email, campus address, office hours and website (if this information exists in the Instructor Information area, above). ___ Check here to include the instructor biography in the online description (if bio has been entered above) Overview of class Generally describe the class here. Include assignment and project information, if desired. Registration Requirements What does a student need to do (e.g., get a permission number) or be (e.g., a Junior) in order to register for this class? Learning Objectives What will the student be expected to know by the end of the class? Teaching Method Choose from the list how the class will be taught. You may use the box to the right of the method for additional information (e.g., next to Lecture you might add "Three 50-minute lectures weekly.") If your teaching method is not listed you may use the Other area below as needed. Include?Evaluation MethodAdditional information (if desired)(e.g.) XLectureThree 50-minute lectures weeklyCase studiesClass participationDemonstrationsDiscussionDiscussion sectionFieldtripsFieldworkFilms / videosGroup workGuest speakersIndependent studyLabLectureListening exercisesObservationOnline work PresentationsProblem setsReadingsResearch projectSeminarSimulation / role-playWriting assignmentsOther (see below)  Other (if your teaching method is not listed, choose Other above and enter further description here): Evaluation Method Choose from the list what criteria will be used for grading. You may use the area to the right of the method for additional information (e.g., next to Exam, final you might add "20% of final grade.") If your evaluation method is not listed you may use the Other area below as needed. Include?Evaluation MethodAdditional information (if desired)(e.g.) XExam, final20% of final grade Attendance Attire  Case studies  Class participation  Demonstrations  Discussion section  Exam, final  Exam, mid-term  Exams  Field trips Field work  Films / videos  Group project  Group work  Homework  Lab  Listening exercises  Online work  Paper, final  Paper, mid-term  Papers  Peer assessment  Presentations  Problem sets  Project, final  Quizzes  Readings  Research project Simulation / role-play  Writing assignments  Other (see below)  Other (if your evaluation method is not listed, choose Other above and enter further description here): Class Materials (Required) Specify any materials required to participate in this class (e.g., books, course packs, dictionaries, computer or film equipment, clickers, dance attire). Please include ISBN numbers for books. Class Materials (Suggested) Specify any materials suggested (but not required) for this class. Class Notes What else would you like the student to know about this class? - Include any restrictions upon registration here. - Please note: No instructor bio or teaching philosophy statements should be entered here. If those are desired, please edit the instructor information above and check the "Include Instructor Bio" box.     PAGE  PAGE 5 Class description template 10/2009 -./g $ % O P Q f g s t u źůŧ~qi^I)h Ehg@5B*fHphq fffhC'hY=UCJaJhg@CJaJhC'h0JCJaJ#jhC'hCJUaJjhC'hCJUaJhCJaJhKCJaJhC'hKCJaJhC'hCJaJhC'hg@CJaJhD~>B*phh-TB*CJaJphh-Th-TB*CJaJph333hlB*CJaJph-./t u ne $Ifgds%kd$$Ifl?`'(  t 0(644 l` ap yt y $Ifgd-Tgdq U E K i |wwlllllllw & Fdgd3qgdqkd}$$Ifl1d&&  t fff0644 l` fffap fffyt!        # ) * 0 6 = D E J K T W X Y i x y z ƹ h3qh h3qh*NhbCh> h3qh @h Eh @5B*phh3qh,B*CJaJph333h3qh{B*CJaJph333h3qhgz>B*CJaJph333h Ehgz>5B*ph3334   ~      ! 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