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Northwestern Definition of Consent

All of the definitions on this page are taken from the Northwestern Policy on Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct

Sexual violence occurs when there is a lack of consent. According to the 久草成人在线 Policy on Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct, consent is present "when clearly understandable
words or actions manifest a knowing, active, voluntary, and present and ongoing agreement to engage in specific sexual or intimate contact."

Capacity to Consent

Consent is not present when an individual does not have the capacity to give consent, voluntarily or involuntarily, due to age (generally, the age of consent is 17 in Illinois), physical condition, or disability that impairs the individual’s ability to give consent. Reasons why one could lack capacity to give consent due to a physical condition include, but are not limited to, consumption of drugs or alcohol (voluntarily or involuntarily) or being in a state of unconsciousness, sleep, or other state in which the person is unaware that sexual activity is occurring.

“Incapacitated” refers to the state where a person does not understand the nature or fact of sexual activity due to the effect of drugs or alcohol consumption, medical condition or disability, or due to a state of unconsciousness or sleep. When alcohol is involved, incapacitation is a state beyond drunkenness or intoxication. When drug use is involved, incapacitation is a state beyond being under the influence or impaired by use of the drug. Alcohol and other drugs impact each individual differently, and determining whether an individual is incapacitated requires an individualized determination.

Some indicators of a lack of capacity to give consent due to consumption of drugs or alcohol may include, but are not limited to:

A person may appear to be giving consent but may not have the capacity to do so. When determining whether a person has the capacity to provide consent, the University will consider whether a sober, reasonable person in the same position knew or should have known whether the other party could or could not consent to the sexual activity. It is especially important, therefore, that anyone initiating sexual activity is aware of their own level of intoxication as it may impact their ability to assess another person’s capacity to give consent. Being intoxicated or impaired by drugs or alcohol does not excuse one from the responsibility to obtain consent. Being intoxicated or impaired by drugs or alcohol is never an excuse to commit sexual misconduct.

Aspects of Valid Consent

For purposes of Northwestern policy, consent is present when clearly understandable words or actions manifest a knowing, active, voluntary, and present and ongoing agreement to engage in specific sexual or intimate contact. Consent must be knowing, active, voluntary, present, and ongoing. 

These policy definitions of consent are important to establish expected and unacceptable behaviors for the Northwestern community, and ensure that all community members are share common language.

Communicating Consent

Alcohol and Drugs

A person who is asleep or mentally or physically incapacitated, either through the effect of drugs or alcohol or for any other reason, is not capable of giving valid consent, even if they verbally agree to sexual activity. According to the 久草成人在线 Code of Conduct, “Reasons why one could lack capacity to give consent due to a physical condition include, but are not limited to, consumption of drugs or alcohol (voluntarily or involuntarily) or being in a state of unconsciousness, sleep, or other state in which the person is unaware that sexual activity is occurring.”

Alcohol impacts everyone differently, which means signs of incapacitation may be different as well. Things to ask to determine if someone is incapacitated:

Consumption of alcohol is not an excuse for not getting consent and an intoxicated person will still be held responsible by 久草成人在线 for sexual misconduct. According to the Northwestern Student Handbook, “The use of alcohol and/or drugs by one or more of the parties involved will not be considered a mitigating factor in cases of alleged sexual assault. In fact, such use may be considered as an aggravating factor if the effect of such use is deemed to have made the complaining party incapable of giving consent.”

Drugs can also be given to someone in order to purposely incapacitate them and facilitate sexual assault. Sometimes these drugs are ingested unknowingly, like by slipping them into a drink when the person is not looking, or knowingly, like feeding someone alcoholic beverages until they are incapacitated. According to the , alcohol is the most commonly used “date rape” drug, but others include Rohypnol (aka roofies), GHB, and Ketamine. These drugs are very powerful and can take effect very quickly (within 15-30 minutes). Symptoms of being drugged may include confusion, problems seeing, loss of consciousness, vomiting, loss of muscle control, sweating, and seizures. If you suspect you or someone you know has been drugged, call 911 and seek emergency assistance immediately, as some of these drugs can lead to serious medical complications.

Remember that Northwestern has an  policy. To encourage students to take responsible action when necessary, the University will not hold students who take such action (for themselves or for others), or for whom such action is taken, accountable for violations of the University’s alcohol or other drug policies (with the exception of driving under the influence).