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Request an Estimate

Facilities offers a cost estimating service that supports departments planning work, whether capital or non-capital. There are two primary types of estimates offered.

The first, a Budgetary Allowance cost estimate, presents a high-level range of expected costs and timelines, based on similar work. This level of detail is appropriate for determining if the project will align with the available funding or schedule. These cost estimates are generally provided based on the customer’s description of the scope without a site visit, investigation, or contractor engagement. There is no fee for a Budgetary Allowance estimate.

The second, a Detailed cost estimate, is developed with a greater level of detail, and very often with support from a design team and/or contractors. As such, there is a departmental charge associated with the estimates. A Detailed estimate is intended to be used for finalizing a project budget and, while not guaranteed, is intended to present a more detailed and accurate cost estimate.

Jump to additional information about estimates:

How to Request an Estimate

Both Budgetary Allowance and Detailed estimates can be requested online through .  In the Request Central menu, the “Estimate” request class will present the two estimate types to choose from. 

The following information is required:

  • A detailed description and location of the intended work
  • The desired completion timeline, if known
  • The intended budget
  • A contact name and phone number
  • A department chartstring, if requesting a Detailed estimate

Additional information, such as photos, previous estimates, etc., can also be attached.

Upon receipt of the request, Facilities will initiate the estimate process within five business days. A Budgetary Allowance estimate will normally be completed and returned via Facilities Connect within 15 business days of its initiation. The timeline for a Detailed estimate will depend on the project's complexity; the assigned Facilities estimator will review directly with the requestor.

Please note that Facilities units perform a higher volume of work over the summer. Due to resource allocations and the fiscal year closeout timelines, estimates and project requests submitted after Commencement may not be able to be fully completed and billed within the fiscal year.

Next steps

  • Except for very complex projects, or where the scope of work not clearly defined, Facilities’ policy is to return a written estimate to the requesting department within 10 working days after the scope of the work is finalized. 
  • On very complex projects (or projects that require the services of multiple shops or contractors), a project engineer or manager will be assigned to prepare the estimate. He or she will contact your department to discuss the project, and a written estimate will be sent to you.

Predicted costs and standards

All estimates will be based on the University’s construction standards, which ensure full code compliance, safety, quality of work, compatibility with existing infrastructure, and maintainability.

A number of factors can influence the project costs or timelines. Examples include the pricing or availability of raw materials, supply chain disruptions, code requirements, enabling work, site availability, and existing conditions. Budgetary Allowance estimates attempt to broadly capture these in the ranges provided for both costs and timelines. Detailed estimates account for these factors in a more granular nature.

Due to the ever-changing landscape, all estimates are valid for a limited amount of time (typically 90 days, but it will be indicated on the delivered estimate).

Learn more about these standards

  • Work must comply with all state and federal regulations.
  • Commercial-grade building materials (intended to last 100 years) must be used.
  • Contractors must be established and reputable, with adequate liability and workmen’s compensation insurance coverage.
  • A contingency amount is added to cover the cost of unforeseen circumstances. Contingency funds may not be used for changes in a project's scope, and any unused contingency funds will be returned to the sponsoring department.

What if the costs are too high?

If the estimate is too high for your department's budget, we can discuss with you the scope of proposed work to see if there are any less expensive alternatives available.

How to proceed with an estimate

You will receive the completed estimate through as a workbook that can be downloaded from the system.

If you do not approve the estimate, there is no need to do anything further. The estimate will expire.

If you do approve the estimate you received, you can proceed with the work by submitting a new request via :

  • In the Request Central menu, under the “Estimate” request class, select the “Perform Estimate” option.
  • Reference the Estimate Number in the Estimate Request field.
  • Upload the estimate workbook.
  • Provide the appropriate funding chartstring.

Please note that any projects that meet the University’s definition of a Capital Facilities Process will need to follow that approval process before Facilities can proceed with the work. 

What are the guidelines for a Capital Facilities Process?

More details can be found here.

Types of Estimates

Estimates are approximate calculations of proposed renovation costs. Facilities can provide three types of estimates.

Budgetary Allowance

A budgetary allowance is expressed as a cost range, such as $5,000-$7,500 or $25,000-$40,000, and is based on historical data for similar projects on campus (such as offices, classrooms, wet and dry labs). Budgetary allowances provide an idea of the size and scope of a project, for purposes of budget planning and funding requests. Budgetary allowances are not fully explored or investigated and are based on order of magnitude assumptions.

Conceptual Cost Opinion

A conceptual cost opinion may be expressed either as a flat sum, or as a cost range, depending on the amount of information provided by the requesting department or division. A preliminary scope of work is typically provided by the requestor, but cost opinions also are comparative, based on historical data for previous campus projects. Cost opinions are not guaranteed and may vary up to 25% from actual costs.

Detailed Estimate

A detailed estimate is expressed as a flat sum and also includes a breakdown or project costs. Detailed estimates are based on conceptual planning diagrams or a description of the proposed scope of work, developed by Facilities in consultation with the requesting department or division. The requestor must approve the diagrams and scope of work before the project can be estimated, and any subsequent changes will affect the estimate. The quoted cost is not guaranteed, and detailed estimates may vary up to 10% from actual costs. Most detailed estimates will involve fees for architect or engineer support.

For capital projects, which may include new construction or major renovation, Northwestern requires binding cost estimates based on construction documents.

Construction Bid

A construction bid can only be prepared from detailed plans, which are typically developed by architectural or engineering firms and may include drawings and construction specifications. Construction bids are prepared at the end of the design phases of renovation or construction projects, and typically include the contractor’s assertion that construction costs are guaranteed.

Requisitioning or Changing a Project

How To Requisition a Project

Requisition a project:

  • If you decide to proceed with the work, please reply to the Customer Service e-mail regarding your estimate. You will need to supply an NU Financials chart string.
  • Once this is received, the estimate will be turned into a Work Order and you will receive a Work Order number for tracking.

Schedule your request as soon as possible:

  • Please route your request through Facilities with as much lead time as possible to allow for necessary analysis and review to assure code compliance.
  • If you are planning to have major work done during the summer months (our busiest time of the year), we urge you to contact us no later than January.

How to Change a Project's Scope

If your department makes any changes to the scope of work being done, an authorized person within your department will be asked to sign off on a Work Change Order.

See the Changes to University Facilities Policy webpage for more information.