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OISS Community Listserv

Stay connected and informed with the Office of International Student and Scholar Services through our OISS-Community listserv for communications with the campus community. By subscribing, you'll receive OISS news and updates via email. Whether you're a campus partner, a currently enrolled international student, a visiting international scholar, or a student on OPT/STEM OPT, we encourage you to join our listserv to ensure you never miss important information from OISS. Subscribing is easy, and you have the freedom to unsubscribe at any time.

Instructions to sign up to receive the OISS-Community listserv:

1.    Log in to the email account you want to use to subscribe.
2.    Compose a new PLAIN TEXT email.
3.    Fill in the email as follows:

        To:        listserv@listserv.it.northwestern.edu
  Body:     SUBSCRIBE OISS-COMMUNITY FirstName LastName

      * Please ensure the subject line is left blank.

4.    Send Email.

If you have any questions or issue with subscribing, please contact OISS via email at intoff@northwestern.edu.