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External Assessment Resources

ACPA Assessment Skills and Knowledge (ASK)

Developed by ACPA (College Student Educators International), the ASK standards seek to articulate the areas of content knowledge, skill and dispositions that student affairs professionals need in order to perform as practitioner-scholars to assess the degree to which students are mastering the learning and development.

AAC&U Leap Essential Learning Outcomes and VALUE Rubrics

The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) has developed a set of 15 rubrics through which institutions can evaluate cross-cutting capacities students develop across courses and programs. Known as VALUE (Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education), these rubrics are helpful in institutional assessment efforts.

Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE)

This set of resources was compiled from the ASSESS listserv, one of the largest collaboration email lists of its kind related to assessment in higher education. The mission of AALHE is "to develop and support a community of educators and inform assessment practices in higher education to foster and improve student learning and institutional quality."

CAS Learning and Development Outcomes

The Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) has outlined 43 functional area standards and related learning outcomes for the use by student affairs professionals. These standards guide the quality of student learning and development.

NASPA Assessment Education Framework

In 2009, the NASPA Assessment, Evaluation and Research Knowledge Community developed the Assessment Education Framework to “provide structure for those interested in learning more about assessment

National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA)

 aims to discover and disseminate ways that academic programs and institutions can productively use assessment data internally to inform and strengthen undergraduate education, and externally to communicate with policy makers, families and other stakeholders.

Student Affairs Assessment Leaders (SAAL)

Student Affairs Assessment Leaders "provides the opportunity for educators that coordinate assessment for divisions of student affairs to discuss issues to improve their work. Our members lead assessment in divisions of student affairs at a variety of institutions across the U.S. The organization seeks to create an atmosphere where leaders can share and advance conversations related to creating division assessment infrastructure, supporting assessment projects, and documenting student learning as it relates to the academic mission."