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Meet the Coaches

Our peer coaches offer one-to-one academic coaching personalized to each student's needs. Meet the team below.

Beza Abate

Beza Abate(she/her)

Cognitive Science & Global Health, Class of 2025

What Beza brings to coaching: "As an African American, specifically Ethiopian, first-generation college student in the U.S., I’ve had to navigate a lot on my own, learning and unlearning along the way. I’m a good listener and very understanding. I bring an organized approach to everything I do, which helps me balance responsibilities and meet deadlines."

What you wish you'd known as a first year:  I wish I had known just how many resources are available to students and that all I had to do was ask. Reaching out for help and advice is crucial, especially as a first-year navigating everything for the first time.

Best advice I've ever received: "You are human Beza not Robot." I got this advice from my advisor when I was overworking and being too hard on myself. It helped me become more lenient and understanding with myself, just as I am with others. It was the best advice I received because it reminded me that self-care is important. 

Fun fact: I have 40+ cousins and 20+ aunts and uncles.

Cristian Castrejon

Cristian Castrejon(he/him)

Physics & Astronomy, Class of 2025

What Cristian brings to coaching: "Growing up in a Mexican lower-income family in the northwest side of Chicago, I have always known the value of support. My family offers support to one another as well as others because it helps build a community. A strong community can give an individual assurance towards their goals or success, and I will bring this experience to my mentoring to help other students. As a first year, I was reluctant to seek help because I felt I had no one to go to and everyone else seemed like they didn't need help. I would like to be there for students who experience that challenging transition from high school, because the fast-paced quarter systems feels like there is no time to seek help, and the competitive environment discourages it. "

What you wish you'd known as a first year:  I wish I had known that seeking help is not a bad thing to do! Your success in college requires taking a stand on your academics. Taking advantage of all the support offered will form a strong foundation on how to handle the challenges that will come from your classes and outside of your classes.

Favorite thing about Northwestern: The many research and funding opportunities given is an amazing part of Northwestern because one can get into research without much difficulty!

Fun fact: I am currently training to learn how to operate the Dearborn telescope!

Whitney Currie

Whitney Currie(she/her)

Biological Sciences & Global Health, Class of 2025

What Whitney brings to coaching: "I am an female athlete here at Northwestern, so I value hard work and perseverance! I really want to encourage progress goals over outcome goals, and to focus on controllable variables while giving grace for uncontrollables!"

What you wish you'd known as a first year: I wish I would have known all the resources here at Northwestern to help achieve academic support and support my physical and mental well-being.

Favorite Evanston restaurant: I love Thai food, and my favorite spot in Evanston is Cozy!

Best advice I've ever received: Talk to yourself the way you talk to your best friend.

Katelyn Gau

Katelyn Gau(she/her)

Biological Sciences & Global Health, Class of 2026

What Katelyn brings to coaching: "As a first-generation, BIPOC undergraduate student, I recognize and have experienced similar challenges and inequities that students are encountering, provoking me to lead with a racial and social justice lens. I was able to navigate those challenges by seeking advice and listening to different experiences from my professors, TAs, and mentors and acting upon the approach that was best fit for me. I want to help bridge these gaps, especially for first-generation and low-income students, by sharing those same resources and support with others!"

What you wish you'd known as a first year: Everyone's college experience looks different, and there's so much merit in surrounding yourself with people who come from all backgrounds and experiences! Recognizing your individual salient identities, values, and passions will guide you in finding the opportunities and resources that best support you.

Favorite place to study: Inside of Kellogg facing the skyline or lakefill!

Favorite thing about Northwestern: As cliché as it sounds, the people!

Hannah Ma

Hannah Ma(she/her)

Biological Sciences & Data Science, Class of 2025

What Hannah brings to coaching: "I'm a strong believer in the growth mindset and that everything can be learned. Studying is a skill too, as is time management, relationship-building, and self-care when adjusting to a new environment. I emphasize a forgiving but insistent scrutiny of the learning process in my mentorship to help others continually improve themselves."

What you wish you'd known as a first year: Prioritizing your social and emotional wellbeing is super important in college!

Favorite place to study: Periodicals - especially at the seats by the windows during the late afternoon when you can see the sun streaming in while you study!

Best advice I've ever received: There's no use crying over spilled milk.

Filip Maninski

Filip Maninski(he/him)

Sociology, Class of 2025

What Filip brings to coaching: "My academic journey has been full of moments of not fitting in: too impatient for data science but not well-read enough to study English, not as creative as art majors but too interested in humanities to pursue economics. As a first-generation, low-income student the process of my self-discovery has been pretty tough, I oftentimes felt lost not having a lot of support. That's why I believe in the power of coaching: it helps you connect with people who relate to your experiences and help you find your own path!"

What you wish you'd known as a first year: Your first year will be challenging! Once you have adjusted to the pace of the classes, found people you trust and got used to living in a new environment, everything will get much easier.

Fun fact: I geek out over public transport.

Best advice I've ever received: Do what makes you happy.

Shifa Noor Mohamed

Shifa Noor Mohamed (she/her)

Chemistry, Class of 2026

What Shifa brings to coaching: "Growing up, I received a lot of guidance from my older siblings. They were always a source of support that I could go to for help at any inconvenience. Regardless, navigating a US college life became a solo endeavor for me as an international student. I definitely learned a lot in the past two years, although I wish I had someone to guide me through it. Now, I hope to be the person to share and help students seeking for support about their college life/academics/anything!"

What you wish you'd known as a first year: I wish I had cherished my time more instead of worrying too much about the future! If I can turn back time I would compare myself to others less and live in the present more. I didn't realize this when I was cramming for gen chem but time actually flies so fast :)

Favorite place to study: Deering Library 

Fun fact: I love learning new languages! I can speak 4 and currently learning French.

Lana Sheng

Lana Sheng(she/her)

Psychology & Economics, Class of 2026

What Lana brings to coaching: "As a recovering perfectionist, I’ve learned to stop comparing myself to others, especially in an environment like Northwestern, where there are so many talented community members. You can look to others for inspiration, but it’s important to focus on your own abilities and celebrate your growth. Through self-reflection, I understand my strengths and areas of improvement, and use this knowledge to achieve my goals. As a peer coach, I can do the same for you, and I will root for you throughout your whole journey!"

What you wish you'd known as a first year:  I wish I'd known that it is normal to be challenged in a course, as it isn't a sign of failure, rather,  it's part of the learning process! It helps to attend office hours early on to connect with your professors and TAs (they are excited to meet you too!),  and to utilize your peer resources in the course.

Favorite Evanston restaurant: Shang Noodle

Best advice you've ever received: People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Dayeon Son

Dayeon Son(she/her)

Neuroscience, Class of 2025

What Dayeon brings to coaching: "I believe in creating an open environment for all people regardless of background to thrive in. I have had experiences where I’ve had to adjust in new and daunting situations, and would try to be someone that people can reach out to without feeling overwhelmed. I’ve lived all around the US (coast to coast!) and understand what it’s like to be placed in a fast-paced academic setting where it feels like it’s easy to get lost."

What you wish you'd known as a first year:  I wish I had explored Chicago more during my first year.

Favorite Evanston restaurant:  Shang’s. Hands down my favorite place to eat.

Favorite thing about Northwestern: I am in love with the campus and the people that I’ve met throughout my time here.

Natalia Tapia Moreno

Natalia Tapia Moreno(she/her)

Creative Writing, Anthropology, Art Theory and Practice, Class of 2025

What Natalia brings to coaching: "I'm an international, Mexican, low income, female, first-gen student. I want to help others realize that NU is our space too, and our perspectives are welcome. I want to offer a space at NU where you won't be judged and where together we will work to alleviate all the worries that come with becoming an undergrad."

What you wish you'd known as a first year:  You will feel lost a lot of times. As you find your way across campus, in the middle of a class with subjects you have never learned before, as you make new friends. It’s okay to not know your way around all these new life experiences, and it will get better over time.

Favorite place to study:  When it’s nice and sunny, under a tree in the lakefill.

Favorite thing about Northwestern:  The variety of classes in the humanities. I always learn about random subjects and find niche interests.

Sophia Tay

Sophia Tay(she/her)

Mechanical Engineering (BSME), Class of 2025

What Sophia brings to coaching: "During my first year at Northwestern, I nearly transferred out. As an international student from Singapore/the Philippines, I felt overwhelmed, unmotivated, and out of place. However, by adopting healthy routines, becoming more organized, and taking initiative in my learning, I turned things around. I refined my ability to prioritize, balancing academics with personal growth. Now, I’m proud to call Northwestern home, and have grown to truly love it here. I want to ensure that no student feels alone in their struggles. My goal is to be the mentor I once needed — someone for others to confide in and learn from."

What you wish you'd known as a first year:  How simply saying "Yes" can open up doors to unexpected opportunities.

Favorite Evanston restaurant:  Coffee Lab on Noyes! (More of a cafe but has great coffee and Filipino pastries)

Best advice you've ever received: Don't be afraid of what you can't do until you can't do it.

Hermon Welde

Hermon Welde(she/her)

Psychology & Global Health Studies, Class of 2026

What Hermon brings to coaching: "Growing up as a first-generation student, I understand the different struggles that come with being one of the first in my family to attend college. With the help and support of my family, I recognize the importance of having a strong support system. I hope to share this sense of community with students interested in peer coaching."

What you wish you'd known as a first year: It's going to be overwhelming, but it is okay to ask for help. There is never any shame in reaching out. Also, time management is crucial. Make sure to schedule in fun things for yourself, even through the intense weeks.

Favorite place to study: Deering Library 

Favorite Evanston restaurant: Elephant + Vine