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Sanctions and Outcomes

What outcomes might I receive if I am found responsible for violating a university policy?

There are a variety of possible outcomes you may receive if you are found responsible for violating a University policy. These outcomes are typically called “sanctions” and range from disciplinary sanctions to educational sanctions to interventions. All University officials meeting with students over alleged policy violations seek to administer sanctions that are intentional and educational for the specific incident. For more information and examples of sanctions please visit our sanctions page.

Can I have sanctions from more than one university department?

Yes. For instance, if you reside in University Housing, are a member of a Greek organization, or are an athlete, you may have consequences from Residential Services, Fraternity and Sorority Life, or the Athletic Department along with your sanctions from a Case Resolution Coordinator or sanctioning panel.

What if I fail to complete my sanctions?

If you fail to complete your sanctions a hold will be placed on your student account disallowing you from registering for classes until you complete the sanction. 

What if I do not agree with the outcome of my administrative hearing or investigation/sanctioning panel?

All respondents have the opportunity to appeal the findings and/or sanctions based on the following grounds:
  1. New information discovered after the resolution of the case that could not have reasonably been available at the time of the resolution and is of a nature that could materially change the outcome;
  2. Procedural errors within the resolution process that may have substantially affected the fairness of the hearing;
  3. The individuals who made the determination had a conflict of interest or bias for or against the reporter or respondent generally or the individual reporter or respondent that would change the outcome;
  4. The sanction is disproportionate with the violation

For more information on appeals, please visit the   University and Appeals System webpage.