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Demonstration & Display Policies

Demonstration Policy

The Demonstration Policy governs parameters for free expression and peaceful demonstration at Northwestern. Please follow the link for the most up-to-date version:

For purposes of this Policy, “demonstration” is defined as any public speech or other expressive activity by an individual or group occurring either (i) on or adjacent to Northwestern property or (ii) at University-sponsored events off campus. Examples of demonstrations may include but are not limited to assemblies, picketing, protests, counter-protests, rallies, parades, marches, teach-ins, or sit-ins.

These requirements protect the rights of others:

  • No community member or third party may intimidate, threaten to use force, or use force against any community member or third party.
  • No community member or third party may deprive (or attempt to deprive) others of the ability to participate in a University activity.
  • No community member or third party may prevent or obstruct (or attempt to prevent or obstruct) the speech or other expression of another community member, except that University officials may act consistent with this and other Northwestern Policies to ensure the speech or other expression of community members is consistent with the guidelines in this and other Northwestern Policies, including but not limited to those linked at the bottom of this Policy.
  • Placards, banners, signs, and other displays may not impede the participation of those assembled, endanger other community members, or violate University Policies, including but not limited to those linked at the bottom of this Policy. Displays, including but not limited to banners, signs, installations, light projections, and sound amplification are subject to restrictions detailed in the Display and Solicitation Policy.

These requirements protect University operations:

  • No community member or third party may disrupt, prevent, or obstruct, or attempt to prevent or obstruct (i) the regularly scheduled activities of the University, such as classes, research, learning, meetings, interviews, ceremonies, emergency services, or operations of the University; (ii) co-curricular activities; (iii) University or public events; or (iv) medical center access or business.
  • No community member or third party may use or occupy campus facilities in a manner that impedes University operation of activities or events.
  • No community member or third party may obstruct movement around the campus (including but not limited to preventing entrance to or egress from any campus building or campus facility, or obstructing any University-owned and maintained roadway or pathway) unless authorized by a University official.
  • On weekdays on the Evanston campus, demonstrations at the Rock may not occur until after 3:00 pm, when most classes in adjacent buildings have concluded. Amplified sound, including the use of bullhorns, loudspeakers, and similar devices, is prohibited on weekdays before 5:00 pm at the Rock and is subject to reservation and approval processes. The tradition of painting the Rock is permitted. Tabling and other events reserved through the University may continue to be held at the Rock at their reserved time. See the Display and Solicitation Policy for additional information on amplified sound, tabling, and other displays.

These requirements ensure the physical safety of community members and third parties and compliance with applicable policies and other rules governing use of University facilities:

  • Overnight demonstrations, between 12:00 am/midnight and 6:00 am, are not permitted in any University location regardless of space (indoor or outdoor). All materials associated with a demonstration must be collected and/or removed during the overnight hours. One small camping tent at the Rock will continue to be permitted for guarding and painting it.
  • All events and demonstrations are subject to the requirements and limitations of the event or demonstration’s location (e.g., school, college, or facility), including room occupancy and hours of operation. All events and demonstrations must comply with applicable building safety codes and University Policies.
  • Demonstrations cannot take place in areas where the presence of participants would compromise physical safety or a reasonable expectation of privacy, or violate laws, regulations, or Northwestern policies (e.g., laboratories and/or other research areas, residential spaces, dining halls).
  • These requirements affirm that community members and third parties must comply with direction from 久草成人在线 Police and other University officials when they (police and officials) are enforcing this Policy and/or other University Policies. The role of 久草成人在线 Police during a demonstration is to maximize the physical safety and security of community members as well as protect University property.
  • Community members and third parties must identify themselves upon request by University officials.
  • Community members and third parties must remove placards, banners, signs, installations or other displays that violate this Policy and/or other University Policies upon request by University officials. g. Community members and third parties must leave University locations when instructed to do so by a University official or 久草成人在线 Police. When possible, participants will be first given a warning to leave unless a physical safety issue prevents that step.

The University may impose additional time, place, and manner restrictions to achieve the purposes of this and other University Policies. Instances in which the University may enact time, place, and manner restrictions include but are not limited to during major University events (e.g., Commencement, sporting events) and in areas of the University where there is a need to balance free expression with the continuity of University operations.

Participants in demonstrations are subject to other Northwestern policies, city ordinances, and state and federal law in addition to this Policy.

Display Policy

Display and Solicitation Policy

The Display and Solicitation Policy governs the parameters for expression through displays and/or solicitation on University property. The policy defines what constitutes a display and sets requirements for the types, locations, and content of displays. Please follow the link for the most up-to-date version: .

Display is defined as any sign, flyer, installation, or other material, including but not limited to advertising or informational signs or posters, affixed to or placed on Northwestern’s property. Other examples include banners; chalking; painting; leaflets/handbills; tabling on campus property; and tents, art installations, flags, and other 3D materials with a physical footprint on campus property. Displays also include projection of light onto a campus building and amplification of sound on campus property (e.g., using bullhorns and similar devices, loudspeakers, etc.).

Display Types and Locations
  • Flyers can be posted to bulletin boards made available by most academic and other campus buildings. Individuals and groups should consult with relevant schools, departments, or facilities offices for additional guidance and/or restrictions before adding a display to a board that is managed by a specific office. Permitted outdoor locations for flyers are University-provided bulletin boards and kiosks. Flyers may not be affixed to other outdoor locations, including but not limited to trees, benches, fences, lampposts, exteriors of campus buildings, campus sidewalks, and roadways. Every flyer must include the date on which it was posted and/or, if applicable, the date of an upcoming event being promoted.
  • Banners to be attached or affixed to University property must be approved and consistent with rules for the specific building or space (e.g., academic department, Residential Services, etc.) or 久草成人在线 Facilities. Norris Event Management facilitates reservation of banner space between Weber Arch and the Rock. Individuals and/or groups must obtain a reservation from Norris Event Management before displaying a banner at the Arch or trees near the Arch. The banners hung on Weber Arch and affixed to the top of light poles on the Evanston and Chicago campuses are managed by the Office of Global Marketing and Communications. These fixtures are only for official use by University departments. On the Chicago campus, banners hung on light poles must be approved through the City of Chicago. For other banner locations on campus, community members seeking to display a banner must consult with the administrators responsible for the individual location or facility.
  • Chalking is permitted on Evanston campus sidewalks that are not covered by any overhangs. Chalking on campus property other than the sidewalk is not permitted, including on building exteriors or other vertical surfaces and on horizontal surfaces covered by permanent structures such as covered walkways, tented entryways, and covered terraces.
  • Painting any campus property—other than the Rock, the short wall around the Rock, and lakefront rocks— including any part of the sidewalks, trees, benches, and/or plaza around the Rock, is strictly prohibited. The Rock is an Outdoor Event Space. For more information on painting the Rock, contact Norris Event Management.
  • All outdoor tabling activities on campus require a confirmed reservation through the Outdoor Event Request Process. For spaces not included in this process, community members must consult with the administrators responsible for the location or facility and ensure they have documented approval available at the table. More information is available on the Norris Events website. 
  • Any installation of a 3D display on University property must be reserved through the Outdoor Event Request Process, whether the installation is meant for art, advertisement, viewpoint expression, demonstration, or another purpose. Outside of University-sponsored events, installation of tents is prohibited. One small camping tent at the Rock will continue to be permitted for guarding and painting it. In addition to reserving space through the Outdoor Event Request Process, students and/or student groups must also provide advance notice to Student Organizations and Activities, or the relevant Student Affairs office in Chicago, for any 3D display. Installations meant for demonstration must comply with the Demonstration Policy.
  • The University owns and controls the lighting in and on its buildings and properties. Only authorized University officials are permitted to alter or project light onto University buildings or properties. Requests to alter or project lighting will not be considered.
  • The University prohibits sound amplification using any device including bullhorns, loudspeakers, and similar devices that would disrupt operations of the University, including but not limited to classes. Amplified sound is prohibited on weekdays before 5:00 pm at the Rock. At all other times, sound amplification on the Evanston campus requires a space reservation through the Outdoor Event Request Process. In some instances, sound permits may be required from the City of Evanston. While the City of Evanston does not require a permit for bullhorns, their use must adhere to this and other University Policies and cannot disrupt University operations. In Chicago, sound must comply with the Chicago Municipal Code.
  • Displays are not allowed on Rebecca Crown Plaza, Technological Institute Plaza, or under the overhangs of any buildings, including but not limited to the Jacobs Center, the Henry Crown Sports Pavilion, any part of Weber Arch, and the west main and south ground entrances to Norris Center.
  • Individual schools, units, and certain University facilities may have additional display policies that are more restrictive than the Policy set forth here, in which case the more restrictive display policy will apply. Individuals should consult with relevant schools, units, or facilities offices before adding a display in a space that may be under the control of a specific unit (e.g., classroom, residence hall, whiteboard/chalkboard, hallway, door).
  • All displays must comply with the University’s Trademark Licensing Policy.
  • Prohibited Content Display content that is deemed by the University to be in violation of University Policies, including Use of University Facilities for Political Activities, the Student Code of Conduct, and the Policy on Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct, is prohibited and may subject the group or individual to disciplinary action.
Display Removal

The University reserves the right to remove displays, including but not limited to between academic terms, in advance of major University events (e.g., Reunion, Commencement), and when they contain prohibited content and/or violate this and other University Policies. Securing a reservation for a display does not indicate that a display is compliant.

A Northwestern student organization, unit, or individual should remove their own displays in a timely fashion. The University may remove flyers after an event has passed and/or after a week from the date of posting. In addition, individuals whose displays damage University property may face disciplinary consequences, including restitution, to restore the property to its normal condition.

Northwestern community members may remove or cover a display under certain circumstances:

  • If an event being promoted has passed, then displays may be removed or covered.
  • If multiple displays for the same event, organization, or subject are in the same location, then some (but not all) may be removed or covered to make way for others.
  • If a display meets the conditions of unapproved solicitation (as discussed below), then displays may be removed or covered.